Jun 16, 2018


It's raining outside, it's a heavy rainfall, it's dangerous to drive, it's logical to stay at home. You feel sleepy because the weather is cold, you just want to sleep. You're thinking that it's just one day and it will never affect the process of being great.

You're wrong, the moment you choose comfort and skip the process for one day... it's all over, the process is destroyed.

It's raining but can't you go even if it's raining? you can still show up even if the road is wet. What you need to do... go for it, a small problem shouldn't change your mindset, it shouldn't change your game plan, you need to show up so that you will never miss a lot of opportunities.

That's the difference between a successful person and a not successful person, the successful one will do whatever it takes to win in life, he will never make excuses, a little rain cannot disturb his rhythm. He's all in, he's lick in, once he knew what to do... he will do it right away.

Stop looking for excuses and start looking for small success. A little rain shouldn't change your mind. Stop being soft and acting like a special individual, you're not successful yet, who are you to make excuses?

Just hustle, just grind and never look at the situation, even if it's hard you still need to do it. Do it now, stop thinking, you're thinking too much, it's just a waste of energy. Just start and do it, you will feel really good if you do it, you will feel great... that is what facing the discomfort is all about, you will feel good because you will feel accomplished in small ways.

Being a spoiled brat will never work, just a little struggle is making you fold and change your mind, it will never produce result.

Show up even if there is an earthquake, show up even if it is raining of fire. Destroy all your excuses and you will change for the better, you will accomplish a lot of things in life. Small success will build your dynasty. It's raining outside? so what, is it going to kill you? stop acting like a bitch and just try to get rich.

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