Oct 24, 2017


At the end of the day... you are the only one who can save yourself, no one will save you, no one will help you if you're at your lowest low. That's the reality and it's something you shouldn't be afraid of. Don't fall into the narrative that someone is there to save you or change your life. Don't put your life into the hands of presidents, governors, social workers, rallyists or even good samaritans... they don't exist. Maybe they are there physically because you can see them but emotionally and mentally... they will not invest their time on you. Superheroes are not real, you are the only one who can change your bum life. If you will not take actions and force yourself to do something about your life then nothing will happen to you.

A lot of people spend most of their lives waiting for someone that will not arrive, their hopes were dependent from an illusion that will never become a reality. Even if someone helps you, let's say that you got lucky and someone give you an assistance... your life hasn't change still. You're still the same person who is always waiting for someone who will make your life more comfortable. You will still always look for help because you don't have a self reliance.

Don't believe in a hero that will make you rich, stronger or better. You are on your own, it's your own strategy and decision making. You have the hands, brain, mouth and feet so why not use it?

The more you become dependent from someone or something... the more you will become weak. You have to use your own energy and skills to become stronger. It is you that owns your life so why will you wait for someone to decide for your life?

Act now and do something, you can always produce something if you do something. Take massive actions and make a forceful change with your life. Don't believe in super heroes because you are your own hero.. period.

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