Oct 4, 2017


Don't worry if you can't get it now, don't worry if you are confused and no matter how hard you try to understand it you can't understand it. It is what it is, there are some things that you will not understand but time will come and you will be able to understand it. You will know its true meaning and purpose in this world.

So once you seek hard and you still find it's true meaning... don't even bother. Let that thought go. You will understand it one day. Just focus on doing your thing now and let ignorance become a bliss.

You are not suppose to know everything, even if you're smart and genius... you will not be able to know everything. Being imperfect is what makes you a human so don't be ashamed if you don't know a lot.

The right time will come and you will know it but for now... enjoy what you really know.

If you will force to know it... you may find the wrong answers. Always remember that you are not suppose to know everything and you will never know everything no matter how smart you are.

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