Oct 28, 2017


Pick a goal, pick a dream and then lock your mind with it forever. Don't change, don't do anything else... STAY LOCK IN FOREVER.

Do everything you can for that dream, I mean leave it all out on the line. Whether it is about calling someone you don't know and offering your service just to get money, whether it is about not sleeping for 29 hours straight just to get things right... do it. Remember that it is your dream and you should be serious about it. Anything that you think will work... try to make it work, that is what it is all about, that is what a LOCK IN MENTALITY really is.

When I say LOCK IN MENTALITY... you need to make a lot of sacrifices. It's all about giving your life into something, you will fight every temptation, you will become a totally different person. It's like an obsession, it's more than dedication.

Sometimes you have to skip attending your friend's wedding or birthday, sometimes you have to not take a bath to keep your focus alive, once you're in the zone... never let it go, once you're in a roll... never stop it. You should keep going and going and going. It's like you're lock in it and the only way to free yourself is to become successful.

You hold that vision in your mind forever, that picture of your dream.. you should never change it. No matter what happens you will stick with the process, you will never change direction. You will never change the plan, there is no plan B, if there is then that is to execute the plan A.

Success requires a tremendous focus and massive action, if any of the two is missing then you will fall short, you are only wasting your time.

And even if you are doing something, let's say you are following the orders from your parents or you are helping someone.. you should still think about what you are trying to accomplish, it should be always on your mind... that is the lock in mentality.

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