Oct 26, 2017


If you're experiencing a lot of pain now, if life is not doing well and you're struggling too much... remember your pain. Remember a hardship from the past, remember that you already experienced this situation and what happens from the past might be even worse so there is nothing to be afraid of. If you manage to survive a worse suffering from the past then you can also survive what is going on with your life right now.

It is nothing, you can also survive it, you can thrive from it. If you survive the past then you can also survive the present. Remember your pain, remember what thoughts you entertain to survive a bad situation, remember your actions and decision making ability. It's not that hard, you will just endure it and take positive actions. Any bad weather will soon go away. You already experience a very painful pain in the past so never be afraid if you are experiencing it again now.

You're already tough and you must keep that in your mind, if you manage to survive anything in the past then how come you will not survive anything now? You can survive multiple times if your heart is there and you have the willingness to persevere. Keep in mind that life is hard and it will get harder if you will focus on the hardship, focus on how will you move on, focus on how to make yourself feel better.

You will only feel better a little bit if you will take positive actions that will entertain your mind a little bit. So do what is needed at the moment. If you need to have money then go and look for money, if you need to treat yourself then go and find ways how to treat yourself. The bad feeling will subside, the suffering will go away in just a little while so keep plodding and remember that you already suffer from the past so it is not a big deal anymore.

Pain is there to make you stronger, you have to keep enduring it and never get mad at the world. So if you are having a difficulty in your life right now, remember that it's nothing new. You already survive something like that in the past so you can survive it again now.

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