Oct 19, 2017


This is an option that was overlooked for how many years because people loves shortcuts nowadays. They want to get it fast, they want to arrive on a particular place fast, they want to finish a task fast, they want immediate success, they don't want to undergo thorough a long process. You can't blame them because everything today is hi tech, you can even cut your fats for 20 minutes if you undergo a liposuction.

What if you can't do things fast? what if you don't have the tools to make a shortcut? what if you don't know anything that will make the work shorter than it use to be? Don't worry about it because you can always do it MANUALLY. You can still do things if you take the long road, you can still accomplish something even if it takes almost forever to do it. Don't worry about the work you need to do because doing something is far way better than doing nothing, well at least you are moving and you are making a progress little by little.

If you don't have enough money to take a taxi to go somewhere... you can walk. You may laugh at this but it is true, will you rather sit on your couch all day long accomplishing nothing or are you willing to get tired walking and give yourself a chance? Just always remember this.. if you are sacrificing for something then you will get something, it is impossible that you will not be rewarded. You may not be rewarded today but for sure you will in the future. You can do it manually, there is nothing wrong with that. It will even make you mentally tough, you can surpass any challenges in life if you keep on taking the long road and taking actions to make things happen. It will make you hard, it will toughen you, you will become a different person. You may not see it now but you will in the future, you will never regret that you did something manually.

If you don't have a personal computer or laptop to take down notes like most people did.... just get a pen and a paper, you can put something on it if you're really willing to keep an information, all you have to do is write and exert an effort. Most people nowadays were too picky and acting like a diva, if they don't have this or have that then they will not continue anymore. They will make excuses, they will create a story why they are not succeeding. They will blame their parents for not giving them everything they need.

What do you think is better an automatic treadmill or a manual treadmill? of course most of you will choose the automatic because it is easier but the truth is... the manual is better. It is because you will exert more effort, you will use more energy, you are the one who will keep the machine running, you need to move to make the manual treadmill run, that results to more calories will be burned in your body. Automatic treadmill is easier, you can even adjust the speed, it will force you to move but in manual treadmill... you are forcing yourself to move, you are the one who is in control, it is up to you if you will go hard or not.

So if you are not technical like me... you can still do a lot of things, you can still become the best. Just replace what you lack with hardwork and you will be fine. If you need to work for 12 hours instead of just working for 8 hours then do it. There is nothing wrong with it, do it manually if needed.

Just like crushing an ice for a juice shake, if you don't have an ice crusher... just crush it manually, smash the ice on the wall and make a shake, as simple as that. The taste is the same, the results are the same. If you want a finer ice then crush it hard, as hard as you can.

There is no excuses if you want to do something, even if you lack something you can still do something.

Do it manually if you don't know how to do it fast.

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