Oct 6, 2017


No matter how loyal you are to the company, no matter how long you've been working from them... they will still get rid of you if the don't want you anymore. You will be kicked out and leave you crying in the rain.

A good example is the NBA players. Some players already played 10 or more years for their respective teams but they were still get traded because they are getting older and less effective. It is hard, you work for them for how many years and you will be treated like a garbage with no use anymore.

Well, it is business. That is how business works, the companies will choose what is the best for them. If you are emotional and you cannot accept their decision then you are only making life more difficult for you. It is what it is, they will kick you out once they feel that you are only a burden to them. Even if you worked for 100 years for them... once you show weakness and slowness the you will be out of the scene. Loyalty doesn't exist in business, if you will cry because you got kicked out then you're just simply wasting your time. They will not listen to you, they will not give sympathy. Businessmen are greedy and you have to accept it.

Business is all about money, it is all about growth, if you can't offer them something that will make their company stronger then your career is in danger.

It is better if you build your own company even if it is small, it is better if you can build your own business that is truly yours so that you have full control and you will not experience a bad situation in the end.

There is no loyalty in business. Even close friends are fighting, even family members are killing each other. So don't be too sensitive when business is the conversation. Don't get too attached to the company that you are working in. They can get rid of you one day especially when you're getting older. They love the young ones, they love the rookies because they can manipulate them easily.

A business is just a business, it is only a money making thing. Don't take it personally once you've been treated badly.

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