Oct 22, 2017


It's hard to become the greatest of all time but it is possible for anyone, anyone can become the goat if he chooses to. The process is simple but hard but anyone can do it, being the goat is a responsibility so if you want to become one then you must be committed, it's not a joke nor a play. It is a forever work, real real work.

1. Don't talk about it. Don't talk about it just do it. Great people doesn't talk about greatness... they just chase it and achieve it. Talking too much about it will only waste your time, people will hunt you because you're arrogant. They will guard your actions and look if you're really getting great. Don't talk about it, use all of your energy for working and not for talking.

2. Work the hardest and give your best. You should outwork everyone, that is what greatness is all about. Give you best and never take any second for granted, once you have the opportunity... devour it and give everything you've got. If you can work harder than anybody else then you will get more chances, you will become the number one. Your skills will fully developed and your confidence will soar very high.

3. Never compare your work with others. Never mind if they are doing better than you. If you will compare your work with others then you will only get jealous, that will make your energy weak, you will feel negative and unmotivated. Keep doing your own style and become the best in what you do.

4. Always be ready to fail. You will never become great if you are so afraid to fail. be ready to fail and endure it, there is no such thing as undefeated person. Everyone tasted defeat, great people stand up right away every time they fall. Give your best but never be scared of failing.

5. Do unbelievable things. Do something that not all people can do. Make the crowd open their mouth with your performance. Do something that is hard to match. Being the greatest also means you have a unique quality that cannot be seen from somebody else.

6. Make taking risks as your breakfast. Never play safe, if you want to become the greatest of all time then always be ready to take risks. People who can take risks are the ones going big time, people who play safe never evolve. Take risks that has future benefits. Never be afraid to fail because just like I said... failing is the partner of greatness.

7. Be ready to make big sacrifices. Be ready to choose if you really want to become great or not, meaning if there is a chance to relax and party... you need to cut  that momentum and go back to your work. Stay focused, you still need to work during holidays. If you can make big sacrifices then you're on your way to greatness.

8. Pretend that you're not the G.O.A.T yet. If you already feel that you're the greatest already because no one can beat you anymore, you have the records and achievements... pretend that you're not the greatest yet. Stay hungry, still work hard and never let greatness go into your head because you will become lazy if you do that.

9. Keep improving everyday. Greatness is a constant improvement everyday. You need to become better than yesterday so that no one can beat you, so that you will remain on top and no one can steal the number one position. You need to keep evolving because everyone is evolving and they are trying to become the greatest too.

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