Oct 30, 2017


You don't need to be angry all the time, anger will make your life miserable. It will turn you into a failure, it will destroy your day.

It will destroy your strategy, it will give you a hard time thinking clearly and do what is suppose to be done.

The reason why you're angry is because you don't like it. If you will just become appreciative of everything then your anger will be lessen.

You don't like the shoes that your father bought you that's why you're angry. You don't like the handwriting of your secretary that's why you're angry. You don't like the loud music of your neighbor that's why you're angry. You don't love the joke of your co-employee that's why you're angry.

Those are just little things, it's so sad that you are letting small things that doesn't even matter disturb you or affect you.

You don't like the comments about your work in social media that's why you're angry. Your favorite team in basketball lost that's why you're angry.

The truth is... your anger was created by you, your can't appreciate what is going on, you easily get affected by petty things that will not even contribute to your success.

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