Oct 28, 2017


1. Look for what you want. Find your passion, find something that will make you feel alive, something that you think you can do forever and become very good at it. Take your skills to a level where people can't ignore it. Become the best at it, show them something they've never seen before. You must really love what you're doing or else you will quit in the very beginning when hard times strikes you.

2. Find a way how to monetize that skill. This is the fun part and most challenging one... find a way how to monetize your skill. There are lot of ways, you can build a product out of it, you can set up a website or you tube account then study how to monetize it. You can use ads, you can use other business to partner with you. You can't be just doing something without earning.

3. Persevere. Tough times never last, you can outlast the tough times. Of course there will be times when you wanted to stop, there will be times when you wanted to do something else and take the safest route but if you really wanted to build your own business... you have to persevere, you have to outlast the problems and challenges in your business.

4. Focus on the growth. It's a good thing to think abut money but money alone will not save your business. You have to feel the progress everyday, you have to feel happy doing it or else you will quit in just a matter of time. Focus on the growth, even if the growth is too little.. appreciate it and repeat it over and over again. Time is very fast, if you are growing little by little everyday then you will become successful one day.

5. Be consistent. Your business should always be open everyday, you must responsive when someone is contacting you. If you can open during holidays then much better. Consistency is very underestimated nowadays, people don't see its value but if you will practice it.. you will be surprised at how big you already become.

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