Oct 28, 2017


No regrets in life if you take actions, if you are wrong so be it. The good news is... you can always change, you can always do something to make your life better. 

Just try it even if you're not sure, even if you think that there is only one percent chance that it may become right... still try it. No one will kill you if you try, you're not going to die if you try. And even if you're correct now... you can still make mistakes later, mistakes will always be a part of your life so don't be afraid of it. You will never be immune to it. 

Perfection is the number one root of procrastination. People wants to become perfect, they want to make it right on the first try because they don't want to try again. They were too lazy and doesn't want to make any adjustments anymore, and that is why they can't move, that is why they were so afraid to make mistakes. 

If you're wrong you're wrong, don't make it a big deal. Don't cry about it, don't talk about it. Just move on and move forward. Forget the past, what is done is done. 

If you're not afraid to become wrong... you will become right, you will become successful. 

A person who keeps on making mistakes and learning from it will become a genius one day. He will become successful one day. Look at those people who were already in history... their stories has something to do with perseverance and a lot of failures. 

So don't feel bad about yourself if you're making a lot of mistakes, at least you're trying, it means you're brave, it means you're trying to make things happen.

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