Oct 23, 2017


Make something rotating, it is one way to have a pretty decent life. You need to make something revolving, it is like creating a round energy and letting it revolve around your world.

Just like money, if you're not working for a company then you need to make your money rotate. Use it, make it walk, make it multiply. Don't just spend it because rotation will stop if all you do is spend and not make it multiply. Make it work for you, if the money is not increasing then it's time to cut the spending. You can only spend again if the momentum is there again. You can only spend if your money is increasing, you should avoid having a zero balance because that is the time when rotation fully stopped.

Just like in developing a habit, you need to do it everyday, you need to do something for that habit or else it will die. For example, if you are wanting to learn how to draw... you need to draw everyday, do it over and over again or else the learning process will not rotate. Do something for it and never let the momentum die.

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