Oct 18, 2017


If you can find a process that will give you a psychological advantage then you're already fine. You can win in life, you will get something, you will achieve something, you will become very confident and become successful on another level.

Just  do something that will give you a psychological advantage. If you are competing then you should do something that will really make you feel strong and capable of winning. Let's say you're a boxer, you should focus on something that will give you a psychological advantage. I cat can be meditating everyday for just ten minutes, eating healthy foods for 100 straight days, shadow boxing everyday for 2 hours etc. If you know Manuel Marquez, a champion boxer for how many years... he is drinking his own urine, it is disgusting right? but he feels like it is a process that is making him strong and healthy, and it works for him. It is giving him the psychological advantage that he needed to become a champion, he even beat Manny Pacman Pacquiao. I am not saying that drinking urine is the number one reason why he beat Manny but it gives him confidence so it helps in some unusual ways.

I am playing basketball for a very long time, I am a little too old now but I still manage to compete with the young guns because I use a process that gives me a psychological advantage. I do burpees everyday, I burpees and burpees until I got so exhausted. Once I feel the severe exhaustion... I knew that I stepped on a different level, I knew that I became stronger. It is still working up to now, it is a simple process but it gives me the confidence and strength to compete with the younger guys.

You too can do it, you can find a psychological advantage that will help you to stay in the game or become a winner. You can do simple rituals that will lessen your fears. Anything will do, anything will work, if you feel very strong while doing it then do it everyday.

That psychological advantage is a belief, it is a belief that you can withstand any blows of life. It is a belief that you can win in any given moment. Just discover a simple process and fully believe in it, never doubt it nor stop it. Just use it over and over again, keep winning in life, keep using that psychological advantage.

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