Oct 30, 2017


Don't ever make dramas and shits if someone treats you unfairly. If you feel that your boss promoted someone who can't even spell his own name and you're overlooked... just deal with it, it's life. Life is unfair and sometimes even if you deserve something... you will still not get it. It is what it is, if you will cry about it and make dramas... you will never become successful.

If life is fair then there will be lesser dramas in the world, but the problem is it's not. The world is unfair so all you can do is be stronger, be more patient, work hard even more because your time will come. Just keep grinding because one day... life will be fair to you.

There is a favoritism and there is a less favorite, if you're on the less favorite side... you have to work extra hard because that's the only thing you can do to thrive. If you will always complain then you are just wasting your energy. Accept the fact that there is nothing you can do about it even if you cry the whole day bleeding for your situation.

You have to move on fast, if you've been rejected, overlooked, bullied or disrespected... you have to move on fast and forget the past. You have to become tougher or else people will push you around.

Because it's the reality... the world is unfair, deal with it. Even if you're the best sometimes you will still not win, sometimes you will still not get picked. There is nothing wrong with that, don't think that you've been cheated because just like what I said... the world is unfair.

But it doesn't mean that you don't need to give your best anymore, you still have to because if not then your chances of winning will disappear.

You still need to give your very best every single day because one day you will be treated fairly. The world may be unfair but you will still get what you deserve.

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