Oct 17, 2017


It's really hard to start working especially if you're watching tv and eating a lot of chips. It's hard to cut the momentum. It's hard to work especially if you're already comfortable and having a lot of fun at the moment.

But what if you need to do something? what if there is an urgent task that is waiting? what if you're just starting to build a helpful habit and you don't want to break it but you feel so lazy?

The solution is very simple... USE LAZINESS TO WORK HARD.

What do I mean by this? just simply work even if you feel lazy. Do a lazy work, do a lazy movement. For example, if you just woke up and your mom is telling you to buy a bread from the bakery. Of course you feel bad, you feel heavy and you don't want to move. But if you will just walk and take baby steps... take one step at a time, you will feel good in the middle of your walk. Your eyes were still close when you start but it will open as you keep moving forward. Walk despite of feeling lazy, have a lazy and slow walk and it will become faster as you keep moving. You will not even notice that you're already home.

If you ever feel lazy and doesn't want to move but you need to move... just do a lazy movement, do a lazy work. For example in writing, if you feel so lazy and you don't want to write because you have a headache or your mind is building any kind of lame excuses... just simply write something, write lazy, write an ugly story. If you keep on writing ugly words then you will heat up, you will find the momentum, you brain will start to work and the right words will come along. You will be able to finish something and you will feel happier because you were able to write something.

If you want to jog but you can't move... just simply walk, put your shoes on and walk super slow. Do the the easiest thing that is connected to what is suppose to be done. Be lazy walking, walk for a few minutes, you can be the slowest guy in town, you can take your time all day long and walk super slow. Lately, you will feel the fire, you will get bored on what you're doing and you will run super hard, you will work hard because you will get sick and tired of being lazy, you will be ashamed of yourself because you're not doing your best.

Just because you're lazy doesn't mean you can't move. You can still move despite of feeling the heaviness in your body and brain. It's just a matter of forcing yourself to move and doing something that is connected to what is suppose to be done.

Move at the lower level so you will feel motivated a little bit. If you can run for 30 minutes straight everyday but you feel that you can't maintain the same pace today... just run for 10 minutes straight, rest a little bit then run again. You can make your pace run at the lower level because you can find your real strength once you have that momentum. What matters is you are still moving and you are not making any excuses to not take actions.

You can work hard everyday but sometimes you need to start feeling lazy, you need to work lazy in order to work hard.

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