Oct 21, 2017


Your decision making plays a major role in your success. If you can't decide now then nothing will happen to you, you will remain as a bum forever do you like that? It's all about deciding if you're going to do it and executing right away. Why can't people make a decision? because they are so afraid that they might make a wrong decision. They are so afraid to get tired, they are so afraid that they have to undergo a very long process.

That is why the greatest skill that you must develop is simply having the courage to move right away. If you can develop it then life will become very easier for you. You will escape worries because you will focus on taking actions, your movement will overwrite your worries and fears. You will emit a different kind of energy, an energy that will guide you to the right direction.

You have to decide now or else you will never decide forever. Don't be scared to make the wrong decisions because not all decisions are perfect. You may make a wrong decision but you can still adjust with that decision and do the right thing. You can always adapt, you can always improvise, you can always do the right thing.

Don't be afraid to take actions because it is free, remember that you can move anytime you want, you can always produce, you can always move forward. And speaking of moving forward, that is where your focus must go. Never look backward, never walk backward. Always choose the forward movement and never hesitate to take actions. Because that is what you are suppose to do. If you will not move forward then what will you do?

It is a common sense, it is the most logical thing to do yet you are not doing it because you cannot even make a bold decision now.


No regrets, if you made a mistake... you can always correct it, you can always do the necessary adjustments. There are no rules that you must not commit a mistake. The truth is... success requires a lot of failures. The more you fail and learn the lessons from it... the more you will likely to succeed.

You have a brain, you can read and write. You can move your hands and feet. Now, it is time to rewire your brain and direct it to actions. Train yourself to always make a decision and move faster and let's see what will happen next . 

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