Oct 10, 2017


Most of you are worry about what can't kill you. You are worried about the traffic congestion, the noisy neighbor, the dog that is barking, the parking at the mall, your looks, your old and deteriorating house, your broken phone etc. etc.

If you're still alive then there's nothing to worry about. You can replace that phone, find that parking space, fix your broken house, make yourself good looking. You can fix anything while you're still alive so what is it to worry about? You have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain so don't be afraid to face the pain of obligations. You will process things and that makes life harder for you but it only looks hard and feels hard because you think that it is hard.

You are breathing, you can move, you can talk, you can walk and most of all... you can solve problems, there is no problem that you cannot solve may it be big or little so what is the point of worrying?

Worry will kill you, it will make weak, sick and freak. If I were you don't worry about the things that really doesn't matter at all. Happiness and being alive is the only thing that you must place your focus. Everything outside of it doesn't even matter. Being alive is being rich, you are so fortunate because some people were already dead and they have a lot of regrets in their life.

So while you are still living, make sure that you will do what you need to do and make yourself very happy.

Your life will not become perfect, you have to accept that. You can do something about it but you will never be able to control everything. Let everything flow, control what you can control but forget about what you can't control. You will only feel bothered if you are trying to control everything.

Fully appreciate that you are still alive and you can do things. Sometimes you will feel bad, sometimes you will feel good. It is life, it is normal to experience things that are not so nice.

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