Oct 3, 2017


Your passion will die no matter how you do it everyday, there will be times when you will feel so lazy and doesn't want to do anything anymore, the fire died for unknown reason. It's normal, you're just a human being and your feelings will change. Even if you're not serious with your passion anymore... you can still revive it, you can still love it even more.

JUST LOOK FOR THE EASIEST AND SMALLEST THING THAT YOU LOVE THE MOST IN YOUR PASSION. This is the best way to bring back your passion. You should find a routine in your passion that you truly love the most, meaning always do your favorite part until the passion comes back again.

For example if your passion is basketball and you notice that you are not enjoying it anymore, you are slowly getting lazier and lazier during practice, what you need to do is find your most favorite part in basketball. It can be dribbling, shooting, running fast, layup, dunking or anything that you really love about the game of basketball. Just pick one and then do it everyday, your love for the game will come back because you are doing something for the game of basketball. Your mind will be programmed that you need to play it everyday and become very good at it. If it is dribbling then get the ball and dribble everyday. Dribble and dribble until you want to play the whole game again.

As a writer, even though I already wrote thousands of articles... I still feel lazy sometimes. What I do is I just write something, I love the sound of my keyboard especially if my fingers were so fast. I keep on hearing the sound of my keyboard, I just type and type and imagine that I am on a mission. I keep feeling the love of touching my keyboard and then I will just realized that I am already finished writing an article. It is weird because a keyboard has nothing to do with my passion in writing. But it's how I feel and it is the one that gives me motivation so I keep on doing it.

You too can do it, find the part of the process in your passion that you really love. For example in fighting... if you love shadow boxing then keep doing it over and overt again until you find the courage to do the other process that is involved in your passion.

Reviving passion is very easy, all you have to do is find the best part of it and keep doing it. Passion never dies forever, it may die for a while but it will never die forever. It is your duty to find a technique that will make your passion alive again.

Passionate people are not passionate everyday, they can just find the way how to bring the love back to their passion. The key here is.. never miss a single day doing something for your passion so you will never have a hard time reviving it when you feel lazy about it.

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