Oct 1, 2017


Be proud if you're exhausted because it means you're trying, it means you are pushing, it means you are serious and you mean business. You are getting exhausted because you want things to happen, you're not just sitting around and wishing for something.

A lot of people were so scared of being tired. I don't know why but being tired has a lot of benefits. Because of your grueling work ethic, you manage to become a better person, you manage to take care of your family and get your life straight.

If you are pursuing something... make sure that you will finish the day giving everything you can, make sure all of your energies were used. Don't save for tomorrow, use it all today, exhaust yourself because once you rest... the energies that were gone will come back. You will wake up a better and stronger man.

Put yourself in exhaustion so you can become a better person, what lies in pain is a beautiful reward that you can see only if you push through it.

A lot of people feel bad if they were tired, maybe because they are doing something that they don't like, maybe because they are working for something that is not related to their goals. If you got tired because of your goals then you will feel happier and more satisfied.

Keep in mind that the more you get tired the stronger you become. It is just a feeling, it is just an indication that you've done enough.

Rest now if you must and prepare your body for exhaustion again tomorrow.

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