Dec 10, 2017


Greatness is simply overcoming, overcoming the negative emotions that are running in your system because of frustration. You are so frustrated because you can't win. You are running out of patience because you are so working hard and yet you can't see results in life. Well that is greatness, you will overcome those negative emotions and keep moving forward, keep taking actions so that you will be able to give yourself a chance to win. No matter how big the challenge is, you will overcome them, you will do what you know, you will take the best possible action. You will have faith in yourself and believe that everything will be alright.

If you faced defeat, you can still become great. You will overcome depression, sadness and falling down of your confidence, you will overcome all of those things and come back stronger than ever.

You overcome defeats, negative emotions and setbacks. Great people never give up, they keep on fighting until their situation become better. All they know is they need to overcome the bad thing that is going on because they have fate that everything will become good in the end.

It's all about overcoming, you overcome the adversities. Because even if you're already great, you still need to overcome something. When you're already great there is a tendency that you will not feel motivated anymore, you will feel lazy and comfortable. Those are the things that you need to overcome.

Overcome mental lapses. Sometimes you will feel lost, you will feel hopeless and insecure. Overwrite that parts in your brain that is telling you that you can't win or make a comeback. Overcome all of those negative thoughts that is tempting you to quit.

The life of greatness is not easy, you need to overcome a lot of things. It's an everyday challenge, you will always feel uncomfortable but you need to face those uncomfortable feelings if you want to stay on top and become great forever. The life of greatness is really uncomfortable but you need to get use to it.

OVERCOMING SLOWNESS. If you want to become great then you need to maintain your speed at the highest level, your pace must be of high octane. If you are very slow in making decisions and taking actions then you're dead, you will be left behind, it's game over for you. I know sometimes you need to rest but if you can develop an ability of resting while taking actions then your game will be on a different level. It's easy to get fast, just stop thinking and just do it, forget about what might happen next.. just do it.

OVERCOMING FEARS. Greatness is really scary, you will face big challenges and difficult situations, a lot of things will scare you. Pressure will become bigger and bigger each day. But you need to face your fears in order to become closer to victory. The fear of moving, taking risk, facing discomfort etc. You need to face all of those fears and overcome them to achieve greatness in life.

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