Sep 18, 2017


You want to become perfect or great right away that is why you can't succeed, you want to become the best in the business, you want to be on top. The truth is... it won't happen so fast. What you need to do is enjoy your status in life right now. If you're just an average human being with average skills and experience... keep enjoying your averageness.  There is nothing wrong with it. You don't need to try so hard and pretend that you are great.

What matters is you're taking consistent actions and you are not stopping to achieve your goals. Just keep doing your thing, never compete with others who thinks they're already great. Just keep being an average because if you keep on doing and repeating your average stuffs... one day you will become great. Your consistency will make you very good on what you're doing and one day greatness will be on your side. 

It is ok if they call you average, it will never be permanent. That is not your permanent status, one day you will change, one day you will succeed and go to the top because you just keep on repeating and repeating. REPETITION is the key to greatness. All you need to do is repeat and repeat and look for the little progress while repeating something. 

Accept that you're average, kill your ego, if they say that you're not good enough so be it. But don't ever stop what you're doing because the moment you stop... you will remain being an average forever, the worse is you will become worse than average, you will go to the lower level and that is not a good place to be at. 

Just go with the flow, keep doing what you're doing and always check if you are progressing and improving. If you can honestly say to yourself that you're improving everyday then just enjoy the process and wait for yourself to become great one day.

Nevermind the critics, nevermind the ranking that they gave to you. If they rank you at the middle or at the bottom... just ignore it.

Keep in mind that one day you will get on top if you keep on enjoying being an average. 

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