Sep 7, 2017


If you want to double what you have... appreciate it. Appreciation is the greatest multiplier. Even if it is about money, food or blessings... Always appreciate what you have.

If you can always learn how to appreciate then you will always feel good, the universe will love to give you more because you are appreciative. And also, if you are appreciative... success and blessings will be attracted to you continuously.

Just be thankful, whether it is a small or big blessing... always say thank you. Being grateful means you're not needy and what you have is enough. Being thankful will produce good emotions that will make your mind think positively and see better opportunities in life.

Look at those people who thinks that they have less... they keep on getting what they don't want in life. They keep on getting poorer and poorer because they have a poor mindset, they don't have an abundant mindset that is why blessings and opportunities were not attracted to them. And even if the universe bless them with something... they can't see it, they can't appreciate it. They always look for more, they can't be satisfied.

You will have a lot if you will thank a lot. Don't be needy, just say thank you every now and then and don't look for the things that you don't have. Don't focus on what is lacking in your life. Focus on what you have, use it, appreciate it and don't feel envy with others.

Because at the end of the day... even if the universe give you a lot of things or opportunities... if you can't see it then those things are still useless. You can only use things that you appreciate.

So if you want to double or triple your success.. appreciate your situation, be thankful that you are still alive, be thankful that you can still breathe and take actions because that is what life is all about.

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