Mar 1, 2019


Being a president is what most kids are dreaming of, it only change when they grew up. Being a president is hard but if you have a game plan and you follow it then you have a chance of getting elected as a president of your country. You have to be persistent and patience, it's a long road to the top if you want to rock and roll, you will fail, you will get humiliated but if you win... you will become the king, you will become the most powerful person in your country.

1. Learn how to manipulate people. It is what it is, it's either you get manipulated or you manipulate people. If you're good in programming their minds then you have a chance of becoming a president, make them believe every word you say so you will get a lot of votes when the elections comes.

2. Dress professionally. Nobody will believe in you if you dress like a garbage. You need to look like a James Bond here. Shine your shoes, groom your hair, remove your beard, you have to look like you really smell good every time you face the public.

3. Talk smart. Make them astonished with your words. Talk smart and avoid getting mental blocked, once they felt that you don't know what you're saying... you're in big trouble, they will doubt you and will never vote you. You must be good in words, learn a pattern, be good in improvisation.

4. Pretend that you're intelligent. Act like you know a lot, the key here is confidence, if you feel confident all the time then they will believe you. Pretend that you graduated in Harvard and act like one so that you will get their votes.

5. Do some research about the country. Do some research about the history of your country. Know the problems of your country. You must look that you really love your country and you know every historical events of it.

6. Stay calm during press interviews. Calmness is really attractive, it command attention, it displays power. Never crumble when someone ask you a difficult question, don't get emotional when a reporter offends you... just stay calm and pretend that you're loving what is going on. Calmness will make you look innocent and kind.

7. Pretend that you really love the people. Say I love you to them a lot of times. If you can just spark their hearts then you have a big chance of becoming a president. Always be there if there is a crisis, make them feel that you're one with them. If you can join them during diner then eat with them.

8. Tell them your accomplishments. You need to accomplish a lot of things, you need to have track records of doing something good for your country. If you can show them that you really work then they will trust you. You can't just be running for a president if you're just an ordinary balut vendor who didn't accomplish anything.

9. Stay away from scandals. Make your name clean, if you really have an ambition of becoming a president then stay away from scandals. Never go to a night club, never date two girls at a time and never touch your secretary.

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