Mar 20, 2019


Your negative thought is always overtaking your positive thoughts, it is dominating your head that is why you can't stop worrying, that's why you can't feel creative enough to become successful. Your negative thoughts is always in control, your mind is killing you, it's destroying the process to become successful. If your mind is thinking about the reasons why you can't do it, always overtake it with a positive thought, remember your strength, remember who you are and remember why do you want it. Think about the reasons why you can do it, look for something to do, always feel that you're progressing every time to take an action.

If you think you're sick, think that you're healing. If you think your money is running out always think that there is always some money on the way, if you're thinking that you're weak always think about the actions that you can do, focus on your strength, if you're thinking about losing... always think about winning. Your mind is not stable but you can always choose what wolf to feed, you can choose to feed the negative thought or you can choose to feed the positive ones, it's all up to you. There is always something you can do, you are always in control here, there is always a counter thought for every negative thought, there is always an opposite so if I were you... just be mindful, know what is going on inside of your head and overtake the negative thoughts with the positive ones. It's easy to do it, all you have to do is focus on what you want, focus on love and not on hate, focus on progress instead of just waiting, take matters into your own hands... push yourself to be the best version of yourself.

If you can control your mind then you are in control of your life, as simple as that. So study the anatomy of your brain, look at those subconscious thoughts that are not helping you at all and replace it with a more useful ones.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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