Mar 19, 2019


Don't be just a starter... be a strong finisher. Finish it even if it looks ugly, finish your journey even if it will have an ugly ending. Finish your project even if it looks like a crap, finish the race even if you're the last. Finish your assignment even if you don't know the answers, finish your course even if you already have some low or failing grades, finish washing the dishes even if your favorite TV show is already starting, finish your goal even if you feel like it's too impossible to finish it. Be a finisher, don't be a talker, don't be a dreamer... once you start something never stop until you finish it. That's what being a real man is, you finish what you've started no matter what.

Because if you will not finish it then you will develop a habit of always quitting, it's not good, it's bad for your life, it will become your habit and you will keep losing everyday. You will always have a lot of regrets if you don't finish it, those "what if" thoughts will hunt you for the rest of your life. Even if you're so sick and tired, even if you feel like you can't make the next step anymore... still finish it, finish it no matter what. It feels good when you finish it, you will feel weak if you don't finish it and that's the reality.

So if you wanted to feel strong everyday... always finish what you've started, never stop, once you start it... always move forward. You can be slow, you can set your own pace but never stop, have that urge of finishing it. Never let those destructive and disturbing thoughts bother you. Never stop even if you feel like resting, you can rest in the end, the rest should never happen in the middle, you can always rest in the end. But for now... you should take care of business first, finish what you've started, quit making excuses and just do the next step.

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