Mar 19, 2019


In order no grow something and make it bigger you need to keep pumping it.

Pump your muscles with steroids, lift a of heavy weights, keep pumping the protein shake, keep pumping the syringes... pump and pump until you become the Mr. Universe like Arnold S.

Keep pumping the hard work, keep pumping the money to your savings account... that's how to become a millionaire. Keep pumping over and over again until something gets big.

Just like pumping your girl, if you want to impregnate here and make her tummy big... keep pumping. That's how to make something big... keep pumping it.

Just like putting air into the basketball, if you want to make the ball bigger and make it bounce... keep pumping the air.

Pumping it means giving it some effort, it means you're willing to make it bigger, it means you mean business and you're willing to get tired by pumping just to see results. If you will not pump it then it will never grow, as simple as that. So keep pumping even if you're already tired, make it bigger and bigger each day.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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