Mar 22, 2019


Everybody needs some rest, of course you need some rest because you're just a human. But sometimes you're already resting even if the job is not yet done. You want to rest right away even if you haven't prove anything yet. That's why you can't have a break through, that's why you're always losing. If you want to become a winner then you need to move forward no matter what. You need to push further even if you're tired, if the job is not done yet then you don't have the right to rest. You can always rest in the end. But for the mean time... you have to keep working because that is what you're suppose to do.

Success will never accept any kind of excuses, it has no room for laziness. It will never accept any kind of drama or baby like syndrome, you can never avoid taking actions if you really want to become successful. Success is to be earned by working from beginning until the end. You have all the time to rest in the end, you can't afford to slow down while the process is going one.

Don't rest if it's hard, rest when it's done. It is a simple philosophy that will make you go further even more, you will finish any single task faster than anybody else. If you can still move, if you can still think clearly then you don't have the right to rest. You're only showing weakness if you're always looking for some rest, success hates people who loves resting. Resting is for the weak, it's for people who has no ambition.

So keep pushing and stop making dramas, forget about the pain, forget about the thoughts that are avoiding you from taking actions, you have to keep going no matter what. You want it right? so show the universe how bad you want it. Stop resting because you all have the time to rest once you become successful.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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