Mar 20, 2019


Some people will hate you for being true to yourself, they will criticize you because you're working too hard and believing in your dreams too much. They will laugh at you, criticize you and pull you down, they will back stab you and say the nastiest things at your back. But the good thing is... some people will like you too, they will support you and really care for you. They will appreciate all of your efforts, they will believe in the beauty of your dreams.

That's what life is all about... no matter how nice you are and how good your intention is... some people will still try to do bad to you. You can never please everyone so stop trying to impress them, just be yourself and focus on your dreams. Just keep working hard, keep believing in yourself because that's the best thing to do. If you will give attention to any of their hate then you will only feel bad, you're just wasting your time doing that. Just focus on what you're doing and enjoy the journey... keep going and never let anything stop you. Just keep going no matter what, give everything you can so that you will have no regrets in the end. Chase greatness everyday and you can only do that by giving your very best every single second. You can feel great, greatness is just a feeling, it's not a final output, it's a feeling that you will get by pushing yourself hard and trying to make yourself a little bit everyday.

It feels good to be great, you can even experience it now, if you will really focus on what you want and give everything you've got just to be a little bit closer from it... then you already achieve it.

So don't quit, never mind what they are saying because listening to them will not even help at all. Just keep pushing forward, just keep pressing forward and do whatever it takes to become a winner in life. Try to remember that you will only feel like a winner if you listen to your heart very well and pay attention to what it is telling you, follow it, believe it and you will become successful one day.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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