Mar 18, 2019


To make your life more enjoyable, to make it fun and not boring... make it a trial and error experiment. DO more, try more, fail a lot of times and never get tired of trying again even if you already failed a million times. Fail again and again and figure out how to win... that's living life to the fullest is all about.

All you have to do is try, what is difficult about that? just try and forget bout winning or losing, believe in the law of averages, believe that the more you try the more chances of winning.

If you can feel good about failing because you know yourself you try and you give your best then for sure you will win more in the future. Because not all the time you will fail, there will be times when success will try to visit your life. You will get luckier the more you work hard because success loves hard work, success loves risk takers. Just try a lot of things and figure out how to win. Don't ever feel bad whenever you are failing, it's normal. Great people fail a lot of times but the misconception about it is people just see their victories, people never see a lot of failures in their journey that's why they think that greatness is for the chosen few.

The only way to embrace fear is to fail a lot of times until you don't feel anything about it anymore. Embrace failing, embrace embarrassing yourself until you become fearless and all you know is how to win. Winning can only be learned through failing a lot of times. So whenever you are failing now... be happy about it because it means you're getting closer and closer to success.

Try something and if it didn't work then try again, never get tired of trying because it's making you a better person, it's making you resilient, it's making your mind so tough that you don't want to lose anymore and you don't know what losing is about. Experience a lot of situations, experience life and the only way to do it is by failing a lot of times.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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