Mar 15, 2019


If you will make a move, if you will try to win.. make a grown man move, don't make a cute move, don't make a conservative and cheap move... make a grown man move, make sure it has an impact, make sure it is massive, make sure you will look dominant and scary.

If you want something then make it happen by showing the world that you really want it. Don't take actions if you're hesitant. You have to occupy space, you need to make your presence felt, you need to make them feel that you're really about business and you have no plans of backing down. Because if you will show weakness, shyness and hesitation then you will never succeed, show them how bad you want it. Every movement must mean something, it should bother them, it should affect them. Because if you're not willing to use all of your power and skills then you will never make it to the end, you need to be at the edge of your skill, you need to give everything you've got and stop thinking what might happen next. Execute your plan and never change it even if you're a little bit scared of something.

You can only make an impact if you will show them that you're a problem, show them that you're not an ordinary person. Give your best every single second, live like there's no more tomorrow. Don't think twice and just do it. With all your speed, with all your strength... show them what you've got. There is no room for weakness in this world. You knew that you can always do better than what you're doing, you've just got to show it, you've just got to set yourself free.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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