Mar 20, 2019


If you're sick and tired of your life, if you want a change... try this method. It's called 10 DAY PROCRASTINATION DETOX. Starting today, you will never procrastinate, you will finish all the things that you need to finish, you will never care if you're so damn tired, you will never care about your favorite shows anymore... you will just work and work until hard work becomes your habit. You will never talk about weak things, celebrities or any outside events outside of your own life. You will simply focus on your own life and the things that you're doing. Do this for ten days, it's only a ten day grind and you will be able to change the outcome of your life.

This will be fun, you will be able to discover your own true strength, you will see a different side of you. You will be able to double or triple your production. Just do this for ten days and see how it goes. Don't look for results while the ten day period is not yet over because looking for results is also a root for procrastination, it's also wasting a lot of your time.

Of course it will be hard, it will be stressful.. it's simply because change is happening inside of you. It's because you're transforming into a different individual. So shut down all of your facebook accounts, shut down your television and just keep working again and again. This is what chasing greatness is all about, forget all the things that are disturbing you. Just focus on your own journey, focus on chasing your own goal and never care if you're progressing or not. This is how you will develop the mist useful character that you can have... just stop procrastinating for ten days and see the change.

There will be a lot of changes, you will feel weird, you will feel uncomfortable but you will also feel that greatness is starting to take over of your life, you will feel that you're getting stronger and stronger each day, you will already feel successful.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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