Mar 21, 2019


If you always compare yourself to others then you're simply insulting yourself, your psychology will be affected, you will go insane in some ways. It's because your confidence will go down, your self esteem will become weak because you are not believing in yourself anymore. You are starting to believe others more than you believe in yourself. You will always hesitate, you will always think if you're right or wrong.


Shine on your light even if it's a little dim. Forget about other people's light and just focus on your own journey. Never get jealous with other people's success. Never count other people's money, never measure someone's success, just focus on yourself and improve everyday no matter what. Just be happy with what you've got and try to grow all of your resources. Whether it's faculty or mental resources... just let it grow, just work hard and enjoy the process. You don't need to become greater than them, you don't need to be the number one, just be yourself no matter what and appreciate that you are giving your best. Because once you're working hard, once you're focused on your own journey then everything will become much much easier. Your life gets harder because you always compare your life with other people's lives, you are disrespecting yourself, you feel low once you see that they are doing better than you which is not a correct approach to live your life. Appreciate everything you have even if it's just small or common. You can only make something bigger if you will love it and make the best out of it.

Jealousy will poison your mind, it will affect your daily behavior, you will attract a lot of negativity, you will never grow because you're always looking at them instead of looking upon yourself.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link: 

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