Mar 20, 2019


If you are chasing a big dream, if you're dreaming so big and people were able to find out about it... they will laugh at you, they will call you delusional or crazy, they will think that you're losing your mind and you're being too ambitious. That's ok, every great and successful man was labeled as delusional before, they were mocked and heavily scrutinized but they didn't stop, they keep on believing themselves until their dreams com true.

Every little and hurtful things that they say against you should not affect you, it shouldn't hurt your nor bother you at all. Just keep going no matter what, keep chasing your dreams because if you will quit then it means they were right and you are wrong. Prove them that you're right, show them what you're all about. Develop that insane level of perseverance to keep pushing no matter what.

They can call you however they want. They can call you a joker, fluke, crazy, out of your mind etc. They can call you the harshest words but never let it weaken your belief. You should feel even motivated if they're making fun of you. Because it's only just a matter of time before you become successful. All you have to do is work hard and keep believing in yourself and that's it... it's too plain and simple. Just dedicate yourself on your craft and never let your determination go down, express yourself and always follow your heart. Impose your will and never let yourself lose some motivation. Keep taking actions everyday and just keep going even if the going gets tough.

You really have to make a stand for what you believe in, sometimes being delusional is better than being practical. Being delusional is the opening for greater things in life, being practical will make you a mediocre forever.

Keep holding on to that belief, keep working hard, one day you will become great too.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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