Mar 13, 2019


Some athletes were taking steroids because they don't believe in themselves, they use this because they want fast results. Some athletes can admit it but some cannot. Regardless if you tell the truth or not... the truth will come out in the end. The truth is... you're only fooling yourself if you keep on using it. The side effects will come out in the end, steroids is not a good investment for long term. It will only produce results that is not sustainable. It will destroy your internal organs, you will have an erectile dysfunction, your moods will always change and sometimes you can't sleep because of it, the chances of having a heart attack is also high, your chance of living long is in jeopardy if you keep on taking steroids. 

I once want to take it because I want to become stronger, I have aching knees and I am thinking that steroids can help me. I did some research and I found out the dangers of using it. So I just decided to create a home made steroids. I did some research about natural ways and I found out that lemon is the number one producer of energy, it can heal a lot of disease, it can make give you unlimited energy if you take it everyday. So I just decided to use it as my home made steroids. It is making me stronger everyday. Plus... I also paired it with visualization, I visualize that my knees were healing and getting stronger. And it is producing some results, I am slowly getting stronger and stronger everyday. Sometimes... injury and weakness is only in the mind, if you train your mind hard enough then it will give you the reality that you're expecting. 

You to can find something that will work for you, you don't need to cheat yourself. You only need to work hard and believe in the process. 

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