Mar 20, 2019


Are you experiencing some difficulty in moving? do you already knew what to do but you still can't move? is there an imaginary resistance in your head that is blocking you from taking actions? do you feel heavy if you're thinking about doing the next step? it means you're sick. It means you're infested with lazyndrome, a disease that was caused by developing lazy habits in the past, a disease that was developed by trying to become a perfectionist.

But don't worry... Lazyndrome can be cured easily, all you have to do is stop thinking about the results. Stop thinking if what you're doing is right or wrong, stop thinking if you will become successful right away. Just don't think and just move and Lazyndrome will be cured.

Again, there is no perfect timing here, the best timing is when you feel that it's not right. Stop believing in your intuitions because it is only making you lazy even more. They were always saying that you only need to take actions when you feel creative, that's the funniest idea ever. You will never become creative if you're not willing to move now. Aiming for perfection is creating a resistance that is stopping you from taking actions.

Shut your mouth and just do it, shut the part of your brain that it's too hard and just do it. If you will just stop thinking and start executing then your life will become the most perfect of all the lives on earth.

Just do it and never think about success at all. Never think about perfection, never think that you need to make it right on the first try.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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