Mar 25, 2019


At the end of the day... all you want in this world is to feel better isn't it? feeling good makes you feel good, it gives you confidence and motivation. Some people were always dealing with the difficulty of producing good emotions, I don't know why, maybe it's because they were just born that way. But they don't have to worry anymore because I have here the 5 simplest ways to feel better. If anyone apply these simple steps to their lives then they will feel happier and more fulfilled. Anyone can do these steps, even dogs and ants can do these, here are they:

1. Stop thinking too much. Stop worrying because it will never do anything good to you. Over thinking will make you go crazy, it will produce bad emotions. You don't need to think at all, you just need to stay with the basics, make your life simple. Just do what you can do and do it now. Thinking too much will make you unproductive. Thinking about the future and the past... these things will make you procrastinate even more. You don't need to think at all, all you need to do is do what you need to do to make your position in life a little bit better.

2. Work hard. Anyone can do this... just work hard. If you have the habit of working hard everyday then you will get entertained, you will see yourself improving and achieving... how good was that? some people were having depressions because they were too lazy, they don't even want to move at all. If you will just take actions then your emotions will change, as simple as that. Work hard and stop thinking if you're on the right direction. Of course you're on the right direction if you have the right intention. Work hard and you will feel good, you will feel more confident and valuable.

3. Appreciate that you're still moving. Life is so simple. Not all people were alive anymore, if you're living then you're too lucky. Appreciate that you're still moving, appreciate that you can be anything if you will just start today. Never waste your life accomplishing nothing. Challenge yourself and be the best that you can be. You will feel much much better if you will just think that your life is already enough. Because it's the reality... people who were moving and always busy were happier than the lazy and useless ones.

4. Decide fast and have no regrets. If you want to go then go, if you want to do it then do it. Decide fast, avoid the analysis paralysis, you need to decide now and never have any kind of regret with that decision. Once you decide... make a stand for it, live with it and never think that your decision is wrong. Because there is no such thing as a perfect decision. Every path is the right path if you will live in the moment. You think that it is wrong because you're struggling and having a hard time but if you will just think that it's all part of the process then you will feel much better.

5. Detach from your emotions and desires. Sometimes you're too focused on what you can't control. Your desires were giving you too much pain. Detach from your emotions and just let things be. It's ok to desire for something but never feel bad if you can't have those things. Remember that you're enough and you don't need anything else to make you happy. If you feel bad... detach from it and do something else. You need to keep moving forward all the time so you won't feel sad.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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