Mar 17, 2019


Move now, take actions now, sometimes you're being too dramatic and clingy... you need someone to appreciate you before you do something good in your life. You're always looking for an attention and appreciation, you're not motivated if nobody is giving attention to your good deeds. That is weak, that is powerless, is the source of your power coming from other people's comments and thoughts? you don't need anything to take actions. If you're always looking for some praises and recognition then you're fake, you're doing it for other people and not for yourself. You ultimately don't need anything, all you need is your heart to finish and push through no matter what.

You can do it alone, you can do it on your own. Stop asking for help, stop looking for approval because it will only make you weak. You don't even need somebody to tell you that you can do it. You can do it if you will do it, just start now and make things happen or else you will regret that you didn't take the chance. Start now, be accountable for your own life, be the number one reason for your success, not your parents, not luck nor the government. You can become successful if you will force yourself to become one.

Your willpower and focus is all you need, the willpower to take actions even if it's too hard and the focus to never give up no matter what, never do some other things other than your goal. Remind yourself that it's possible. Just work hard and believe in yourself. You can get away from that rut you're in, you can live the life that you want. It's too possible if you will believe and bust your ass. So start now and never wait, never wait for the things to get better before you start. The perfect time is now, not tomorrow nor next week... it's always now, do it now and make things happen. Force fate, make the universe hear you, work super hard until they have no choice but to give you what you are looking for.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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