Mar 25, 2019


Everyone wants to become super interesting, they want attention and appreciation, they want likes from people that they don't even know. The secret to become a super interesting human being is to simply focus on your own growth. Focus on your own work, you have to become a little bit weirdo here, you have to focus on the grind, focus on hustling, you have to look like you have your own world and you don't care.

If you're more interested with your own life then a lot of people will become interested with you. It's because you will look super natural, you will look genuine and you will have oozing confidence because you believe in yourself too much. You get that confidence by working hard and grinding everyday and looking at the tiniest details to improve yourself.


Stay busy with your own life, what are the areas in your life that you can improve? get busy with your own project or journey. You need to become a master of something, you need to pursue your own passion and stop joining the crowd. Mind your own business and simply focus on where you want to go.

If you keep on looking for other people's success or looking on their work then you will forget your own life. You will look unattractive by doing that. Look at those people who were so successful... they look attractive right? it's because they don't care about what other people are doing, they don't care about the latest gossips or other people's success, they were simply focused on their own journey and that is why they look so special, you will feel their high vibration, you will feel their power.

Stop looking for appreciation and attention, you will get it naturally by not forcing it. You will get it by trying to become better each day, you will get it by simply evolving and mastering something.


Value your time and stop wasting it watching other people's growth, produce your own growth, produce your own success. You are wasting a lot of your precious time if you will just watch other people's journey, you have our own journey and focus on it... that's they best way to become super interesting.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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