Mar 20, 2019


Are you dreaming of something? is your dream big? is it too scary and you feel like you're not 100 percent that you're going to get it? GOOD. It means you're dreaming the right dream. Because if you're dreams were not too scary and it is possible then what is the use of dreaming? what is the use of dream if you will not dream big? You have to dream big, you have to think the impossible and of course you have to work really hard to get it. Don't just dream of getting it if you're just planning to exert a poor and weak effort. You don't have the right to dream big if you were too lazy and can't even discipline yourself. Dreaming is for everyone but you will be disqualified of dreaming if all you do is lie on your sofa and watch the Game of Thrones all day long.

You have the right to dream big if you're really serious about it and you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it?

So ask yourself... are you moving fast? are you sacrificing big time for your dreams? can you leave everything that is useless to achieve your dreams? can you focus your mind to your dreams? can you avoid procrastination and self destruction? do you really want it? if the answer is yes then what are you waiting for? go and chase it. Get lost, fail a lot of times, make a lot of mistakes, embrace all the critics and hatred from other people and just pursue your dreams. Don't be afraid to go all in, don't be afraid to waste all of your energy and time just to make your dreams happen.

It's ok to become scared because your dreams were too big, don't worry... you will get use to it, you will become familiar with the feeling and you will conquer all of your fears and doubts. Just keep pushing, keep fighting for your dream.

Stop dreaming about small things. Stop dreaming about owning a small toy, buying a fancy shirt or shoes. That's just a poor man's dream, you need to dream about owning your own empire, executing your own ideas and making your own invention. You have to dream about the biggest things in life. The more ridiculous your dream is... the more fun it will get.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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