Mar 14, 2019


Sometimes you don't need any motivation anymore, all you have to do is become aggressive for what you want. If you want a girl, go and talk to a girl. It doesn't matter if you're ugly or you haven't took a bath yet, it doesn't matter if you don't have a job or your family stinks... just go and get that girl. If you got rejected then go find another one. Be aggressive, don't let another boy steal that girl from you... be fast, do some wild things if you need to. Stop acting like cute, stop being too conservative because it's not helping you at all. You want a chick right? go and get it, pretend that you have a thick face and try to make that girl blush, tell her some stories, tell here some jokes that will make her aroused. Play with her emotions and never cry once you got rejected. This is all fun and games, if you can't have fun courting someone, if you're always scared then you will become a single virgin forever.

So you want that money huh? go and get that money, stay aggressive, stop belittling yourself and apply for a job that pays very well. If you can't find a job then sell something, build a business, sell your poems, sell your idea, sell your blood. There are millions of ways to get that money, you can't get it because you're making a lot of lousy excuses that is poisoning your mind and making you believe that you can't get it. If you want it then you will make a way for it. Stop being passive and start being aggressive. Be aggressive with the pursuit, be relentless, unleash the beast inside of you.

Start now and do something. If you will not do it then you're just wasting your life and time. It's better to be moving fast than moving slow, it's better to be giving yourself a chance and putting yourself on a best position to succeed. Do it now and stop waiting, stop acting like weak, stop acting like a loser, use all of your power and tenacity to get it. Get it no matter what, even if it means exhausting yourself to the fullest and failing a lot of times.


Not all the time your aggressiveness will work, but the good thing is you gained some experience. You're fast, you fail fast and then you will succeed fast because you will try again, and next time you already knew what to do, you already have this fast pace mentality of not giving up and simply trying over and over gain. The correct mentality was already there, now it's time to get some success in your life.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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