Mar 22, 2019


There is nothing with being mediocre, it's not a sin, it's alright. It's ok if you're not great for as long as you're pursuing to become great. Being mediocre is so much fun, there is no pressure, you don't have to chase perfection in any kind of work that you're doing. All you have to do is work, have fun and express yourself. You feel so relaxed and at the same time you can finish your tasks faster than expected.

But being mediocre is not permanent. Once you keep repeating your mediocre work everyday and you're so damn consistent... you will become great one day. Most people wants to become great right away, they hate being called mediocre but if you will check their track  record of work... they will only work hard few days a week and will stop, the result is their momentum is dying. They don't have the right habits to become productive everyday.

But if you're a mediocre worker but at least your intention is good and you're pushing yourself a little bit everyday then one day you will become great. It's because all of the hours you work will sum up in the end. You are getting better and better each day every time you work, you are getting faster, you are getting smarter, every little details are falling into your basket, you are becoming a guru but you don't know it.

That's why don't strive for greatness right away, just focus on a consistent work... that's how to become great. You need to build a strong foundation first, you need to develop a very strong work ethic that will lead to greatness one day. It's ok if they call you a mediocre today because only few were great. There is only one great person out of billion people so just feel happy if you're doing your thing. One more great thing about being a mediocre is you can become really creative, you can do it your way, you will never be afraid of getting judged because you're not expecting too much of yourself.

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