Mar 7, 2019


The reason why you can't move is because you're always thinking about what you don't want, you're focus on the negative side and not on the positive side. If you feel bad, you will not take actions, you will focus on worries, fears and ugly things that your eyes were seeing. Sometimes there is no bad things going on but you still see it because you're too focused on what you don't want.

So if you want to feel free, if you want to make results... never think about the things that are making you feel bad. Never think about your enemy or frenemy, never think about your noisy and arrogant neighbor, never think about the noise outside, the traffic, the small problems, never think that life is hard because life is so easy. Just feel good even if you're feeling bad, choose courage over fear, always think about the things that you want to happen, discipline your mind and body.

So free your mind from any form of negativity because negative thoughts will poison your mind and body, it will make you feel sick, it will create an illusion that you're unlucky, being treated unfairly or having a misfortune, you will struggle even more if you're thinking about what you don't want. Focus on what you want and your life will change, as simple as that. Stop focusing on negative things, people or situation. You always have the right to choose what to put inside of your brain. The power is yours, you will only feel powerless every time you think about what is not serving you at all. Focus on the positive side instead of the negative side, it's hard to do that because it's more fun thinking about negativity but the point here is... what is serving you more?

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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