Mar 1, 2019


Try as much as you can and get as much as you can, there is no harm in trying, there is only experience and greatness. You can only become great if you will try. People still don't get it... they want to become great but they can't get it, greatness will only come from the number of failures that you get. If you want to become great then be ready to fail as much as you can, be ready to embarrass yourself, be ready to face the pain and take the blame. Because that's the price of greatness... a lot of rejections, failures and difficult emotions. You must be able to handle the backstabbing from other people, the critics, the pointing of fingers. You will get a lot of attention if you're trying, you will make a lot of enemies and you will be stopped by a lot of challenges... mentally and emotionally.

It is what it is, you want success right? so be ready to get busy, be ready to take massive actions. Every time you see an opportunity... go for it, never care if you can do it or not, never care if you will succeed or fail... just do it. The play is very simple... take risks as much as you can, your fear is the only thing that is stopping you, what if you have no fear? how do you think will you live your life? more fun and amazing right?

Was it possible to get rid of fear permanently? 

Of course not, it's not possible, but it's possible to fight it or neutralize it, it's possible to enjoy it and manipulate it. Give it another meaning, always move every time you feel it, don't be stunned, don't lose hope... just move whenever you feel it and always push forward. Go hard whenever you feel it, try more and take risks as much as you can because it's all worth it, you will feel good once you see yourself taking actions despite of feeling the fear.

Try as much as you can, fail as much as you can... one day success will fall into your hands.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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