Mar 12, 2019


Are you moving forward all the time or are you just watching and letting things happen by itself? are you doing something or are you just pretending that everything is alright even if you know that there is an action that needs to be executed. Are you taking risk? are you allowing yourself to make mistakes? you can only move forward if you're allowing yourself to fail and make mistakes. If you can't feel good while losing or not getting anything then you will never be able to move forward, you will become stuck in one place forever.

What if you stop caring about winning or losing and simply move forward all the time? what do you think will happen? you will only know the clues about what to do next if you will try something even though you don't know how to do it. Just keep trying, keep learning... one day you're going to become great.

You are strong if you're moving forward, you are weak if all you know is watch and play safe. Just like in the NBA, players who can shoot during crucial times and still move despite of being extremely tired were the strongest. The players who were shying away from the ball because of being afraid of getting the blame were the weakest. It will show on your body language, it will show on how you react.

If you want to become strong then move despite of feeling the fear, move despite of feeling uncomfortable. Because there is no other way around, you can't be what you wanted to be if you keep on holding yourself back. It's time to execute, it's time to make a change... do what is best for your life and just keep on moving forward.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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