Mar 5, 2019


Success, life and happiness is all about how you feel, it's all about what is happening inside of your head and that is the reality. You can have all the money in the world but if you always feel that there is something lacking in your life and it's bothering you everyday then you will still feel like a failure, you will still feel like a broke. It's all about how you accept your situation and how you manipulate your mind to feel happy.

Quotes are very helpful to make someone feel better, it's giving hope, it's giving strength. But one quote that really made me feel unstoppable is this: "it is nothing". I always said this to myself whenever I am struggling in life, it's always working for me, it's because it is making my mind realize that I don't need to get attached to what is happening too much. I always use this quote every time I am struggling with something. If I am so tired and can't exercise anymore I recite this to myself and boom... I feel lighter, I feel less pressured. The resistance is gone in just a few seconds.

Anyone can use it, if you're so scared to your boss because you haven't finish his orders yet... say this to yourself... "it's nothing" It can never kill you, it can never make your life worse. It's just another scenario in your life, so what if he gets mad? is it the end of the world? is it going to demote you? no right?

If you're competing with a stronger and bigger opponent... say this to yourself "it's nothing". He may touch you or dominate you but at the end of the day... if you're scared of him then he might dominate you even more. But if you will remove the idea that he is stronger and he means nothing to you then you will feel even stronger. You will be able to focus on yourself and what you can do.

Sometimes we are just creating an illusion that something is hard or a particular situation is hard. But if you will learn how to give no meaning or strength to any situation then life will become easier, the resistance will go away.

That's what successful people do.. they never treat something as hard or unachievable, they never feel bad if they fail, they always think that it can be done and it is nothing. Win or lose, it is nothing, they were still alive and they can still try for one more time.

You can apply it to your daily life. If you lose money, it's nothing. If you lose your dog, it's nothing, if you fail it's nothing. Nothing should feel important so you will feel better and the heavy feelings will go. Never think something as a big deal because it's not. Stop putting pressure to yourself too much, detach from what is scaring you and just move forward anyway.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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