Mar 5, 2019


If you are a single minded person then it will be easier for you to become successful. It's because you will never think about it anymore, you will just do it. Even if you feel bad, you will do it. Even if other people were contradicting you... you will still do it. You just don't care at all. Practice making a stand for your decisions, once you made up your mind... never change anymore. Once you decided to go... go, never think about changing your decision because that is the number one root of failing.

If you already decided that you're going to chase it then chase it no matter what. Even if it's too hard, even if you got overwhelmed... chase it no matter what. If you already decided that you're going to forget it then forget it, there is no in between, there is no second chance, there should be no second thoughts or flashbacks, burn the memories of the past and forget it completely.

You should never change your decision because the moment you do that... that's the time you're going to get soft, never bend the rules that you set for yourself. If you want to have a better direction then never change directions, just deal with it even if it's too hard.

Because sometimes you just think that your decision is wrong, sometimes you just think that you could have go the other way. But the reality is... you're always failing because you don't have a made up mind, you don't know if you're going to go all in or not, you're always doubting yourself, you're thinking that you've made a wrong decision once you see that there are some mistakes and flaws about your decision.

There is always a difficulty, there is no easy road. The only reason why you think it's wrong is because you feel uncomfortable, you can't see the results fast. You will never see it if you're always changing your mind. Once you've made a decision... make a stand for it no matter what.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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