Mar 5, 2019


If you want to have fast improvements and better results... challenge yourself everyday, you need to push yourself a little bit to the point where you feel some pain and discomfort. Because if there is no pressure nor sense of urgency... there will be no progress. Growth cannot be achieved if you're not challenging yourself nor pushing yourself to the limits, you must feel the pain, you must feel a little bit stress because that't the only way to grow. If you're not challenging yourself then you're not stepping to another level, the worse is... you might be weakening a little but, your level is going down and you don't know it.

A lot of hungry lions out there will take your place, changes will happen, a lot of surprises will show and if you're not ready because you've been lazy the fast few months... you're in big trouble. The competition is tight nowadays, you need to move fast and think fast, you need to do something if you don't want to get left behind. There should be a right amount of pressure that you are putting into your system if you want to have a sense of urgency.

Challenge yourself to become the best, do whatever it takes to leave your old self that is weak and slow. It's time to hustle, it's time to become sharp and fast. There is no time for laziness and procrastination now... just move!

It feels so good evolving, it feels so right growing, people were so lost because they can't find a way t grow, they can't see themselves progressing a little bit. It's because they were thinking too much instead of challenging themselves to do what is difficult. If you're always going to watch TV the whole day then it's not challenging yourself, it's destroying yourself because there is no growth in there, if you want to feel powerful and important... do something hard and challenge yourself to evolve every single day.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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