Mar 6, 2019


If you have a dream.. you have to start it now or else you will never star it forever. Dreams will never wait for you, the more you believe in the word tomorrow or next week or next next day... the more you are building a lazy habit, it's postponing success, your mind will start to believe that it will happen one day but you've been telling that to yourself for how many years and still nothing happens.

If you want to start losing weight now then start now, stop watching for videos how to do it, stop planning for a diet... just run, go outside and run. I don't care if you don't have a running shoes, run with your leather shoes or combat shoes or maybe slippers. You need to stop caring about how you look and start caring about the process. Some people were afraid to go to the gym because they were fat, they were afraid of being judged, they don't know that the gym was really built for fat people, it is for people who wants to lose weight, it's not for slim people. Never care about how you look, never care about how you feel... just start something now, do it now or else you will fool yourself again that you will just start tomorrow. And when tomorrow comes... tadah! nothing happens again, you're stuck in the same rut and you can't get out of it.

Change should happen now, the rebellion should happen now, it's time to make a stand for what you want. Change is painful, it's too uncomfortable but facing the pain is the only entrance to change, you can never change if you will not feel the stress. So stop being a loser, stop being soft and dramatic... face the pain of starting now, it's only hard in the beginning, once you do it for 2 weeks... everything will be so easy, it will be like just opening a can of soda, so easy that you don't even need to think about it anymore.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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