Mar 9, 2019


It is working, you just think that it's not but it is really working, if it's not working then why are you still doing it? why are you still doing something to make it better? why are you still hoping that it will become successful one day?

If something is still making you move, if it's still motivating you a little bit then it's still working. If it's real then it should never stop. You just think that there is no progress because you were too impatient, you don't know that the universe is only testing you if you really want it or not. You have to decide to stop or continue, there is no in between. If you continue then it means it is still working but if you decide to stop then the journey also stop, it's game over, you're done.

So keep moving forward and always believe in yourself. Believe that your goal is also chasing you if you are chasing it. One day you will see that never giving up is the most genius thing that you did. It's only hard now but situations will change. So don't ever worry, don't ever feel bad if you can't achieve results yet. It will all fall on your hands on the right time. Just keep moving forward and keep doing your thing. It's not bad to always fail, it's not bad to make a lot of errors.

If you can still move and take actions then there is nothing else to worry about. You're worried to much about success but if you will not make it a big deal and if you will just work hard then success will come to you naturally, you don't even need to beg for it or die for it. Just believe in yourself and conquer every mental struggle and physical challenges along the way.

It will work, believe in these words... it will work if you're trying everything to make it work. Just be patient a little bit more and your time will come, there will be a break out, success will become yours finally.

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