Mar 7, 2019


Sometimes all you can do is believe, even if it's too impossible... you still need to believe it, even if it looks over... you still need to believe it, even if it's too hard and you're too far from success... you still need to believe, you still need to work and move forward because that's the only thing remaining for you. You can never disbelief yourself, you can never stop because it's over when you stop. You have to keep pushing even if nothing right is going on, that's the only way to win. You can never win by just watching, you can never win by just waiting... you have to force fate, you have to go all in or else.. don't go at all.

Believing is hard when you're losing, believing is hard when you're struggling or in pain, believing is hard when fear is starting to dominate your mind and body. But it is still possible, fake belief and keep repeating it inside of your head until it becomes real. You have to stop looking what is going and just keep moving forward no matter what. You have to disconnect from reality. You have to go all the way, even if it means destroying everything that is stopping you.

Relax and move forward, never let anything stop you, stop when you need to stop because it's really over but if you can still move forward... have that mentality of pushing until the end. Believing is only inside of your head, it doesn't happen outside, create the belief inside of your head and never let go of it.

Every time you're having a hard time... your belief should even become stronger. You should never let anything stun you or freeze you, you have to force yourself to take matters into your own hands.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link:

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